Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Message to Tori's Abductor

Message to Tori's Abductor

This is a message to the person/people involved in the Tori Stafford Abduction.

You know what you have done is wrong and with the out pouring of support from the public it will only take time until you are caught.

It's not to late to do the right thing and release this poor scared little girl back to her family. Even if Tori knows who you are She must be scared by now and wondering why She can not go back home.

I stress, It's not to late to do the right thing and let Tori go.

The longer this carries on the harder it will be on you as well in the end.

Drop her off somewhere that She will be found, Tori needs to get back to the people that love Her. If you are family or friend who kidnapped Tori to help her out in some way you are not.
If this is an arrangement you have with the family, it's not the right thing to do. You must notify authorities and protect yourself. Child Kidnapping is not a solution to any matter.
If you are owed money for something then demand ransom, just return Tori.

Tori Stafford needs her family and friends and we all need to see Her safe return. Please do the right thing and Let Tori Go.
In the end you know will know that this is the right thing to do.

If you are reading this take a good look at that little Girl, a real good look. Think of how she is feeling right now. Everybody has a heart including yourself, some people just have trouble finding it once and a while.

Please, let her go