Tuesday, August 18, 2009

London Police Attacked for using Force

It seems like every time the London Police get into an altercation where force is required they become targets themselves. There are times when the Police may need to use guns, that's why they have them. Most Police Officers will tell you that the last thing they want to do is use their guns but sometimes there is no other option.

If an Officer feels that their life or the lives of others is in danger then they should have every right to use their weapon. There should be no nonsense afterwards about if they should or shouldn't have, we we not there to judge.

These people are just like you and I, they have families and enjoy living life. The job is stressful enough without all the accusations and media crap that goes on every time these instances happen. If you thing that Officers are not using there weapons properly then maybe leave your number and next time they are in a life threatening situation you can take over.

These men and women go through extensive training and know how to handle these situations. Stick to your jobs and just be thankful that the London Police are out there everyday looking after you!