Mike Dalglish is bugged his beloved Beetle has been banished from the boulevard in front of his business.

The classic mint-condition 1967 Volkswagen Beetle is parked in front of Dalmar Motors on Wharncliffe Rd., drawing lots of attention and evoking much nostalgia.
Dalglish has been parking the Beetle there for about a week for more than 20 years, as part of a promotion for the 60-year-old auto dealership.But on Friday morning a bylaw enforcement officer delivered a letter warning the dealership faced a $55 fine for violating a bylaw banning parking on front or side yards
Honestly, is this car really hurting anybody where it is? I would think after 20 years they would just turn a blind eye to it and carry on with more important things. Pay the fine, battle it out and I'm sure you will win Mike!