H1N1 circulating in London
There has now been 18 lab-confirmed cases of the H1N1 virus in the London area according to London-Middlesex Health Unit. On top of that are 14 cases confirmed of the influenza Abut are not thought to be the same virus.
With school being out for the summer it is hard to get exact totals on the H1N1 situation but officals are asking camps and other community gatherings to keep an eye on there attendance.
So far here are the H1N1 Totals around the world
s of July 13, 2009, the new H1N1 influenza virus has been identified in approximately 120 countries.
Number of laboratory confirmed cases of new H1N1 virus
Worldwide- 94,512
United States 37,246
Canada 9,855
Ontario 3,636
With back to school approaching soon health officials are worried the virus will spread at an alarming rate. Some suggest school not convene in September until the virus is under control.
For more information on the H1N1 virus you can contact the London-Middlesex Health Unit.