Driving through London is sure a lot different than it was 20 years ago. I remember going to the old market with my Grandmother to buy fresh meats and bread.
The old CN Building where my Parents both worked is now a smaller train station. The core area now boasts big buildings like the John Labatt Center, One London Place and more.
With all the change it is still nice to see some places that bring back good memories like Victoria Park and all the winter skating we use to do, the big hill across from St. Josephs that we enjoyed tobogganing on.
London is big big city now, like it or not. It's grow and is still growing. The corn field that was at the end of our street in the east end is now a huge subdivision.
Do you think London will someday look and operate just like Toronto? There are already signs that it may. Look at the gangs that hang out in the malls, and the increase in violence.
There is also substantial growth in the ethnic community as is in Toronto, not a bad thing it's just an observation.
Is London ready to deal with this though? Toronto have the police, workers and manpower to handle it but does London? I already see there streets falling apart, the neglected sewer systems etc.
Growing up I really loved the city as I do now. The only difference now is that I love it from an outside view.